Thursday, January 3, 2013

Spartacus: War of the Damned Sneak Peek

Spartacus: War of the Damned, the final season is coming to Rome. Following after the defeat of the Roman commander Gaius Claudius Glaber, Spartacus and his men have amassed major victories against the Romans after the Battle of Vesuvius. Spartacus who once only few good men on his side now gains numerous amount of allies. From 70 to 30, 000 followers, Rome should ended be fear as Spartacus and his men will buy no joke instead they were holding their swords tight and ready to give the very might of Rome its own doze of medicine. Six months after Spartacus defeated Glaber, lot’s of changes happened. Spartacus gains the trust of many. He amazed them by how strong his will is, and how he ended stands for what his fighting for. Nevertheless, the war wasn’t over yet because they have only defeated the leader of the guards, than the master himself. To reach its lair, they had to first face thousands of armies waiting for their arrival. Of course, it is one huge bloody fight, but what more is bloodier than slaves meeting the eyes of its master. What happen when these two face against each other; who will remain standing; and whose blood will cover the ground?

I know you are pretty much excited, so are the many of us. We long to know what this final installment got for us. Who the new characters and who are back to reprise their role. For the meantime, Watch Spartacus: War of the Damned Episode 1: Enemies of Rome sneak peek below and keep in mind, its January 25th where huge bang starts!


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