Lots of things were going on lately, some we can tell are really not for our eyeballs but there were scenes we can accommodate well. But please no more body parts thorns in pieces because it was really gross. I don't find my best appetite for than in whole day and I almost throw-up. Elsewhere, Spartacus: War of the Damned was another fun-to-watch show. How many viewers can afford to at least leave their chairs to pee while the show was going on, bet none! If you think the previous episode quenching drama was all we got, think again. The show was more of giving us a taste of everything, the real drink will be quite far to reach anyway.
Since we are done with "Men of Honor" but in some case you have miss it, just click here for the review. Moving one we are well… on the 4th episode (I just can't believe how things go fast). Don't be surprise when you find out that this week we are free from brawls since it was on the plan already. Spartacus: War of the Damned Episode 4-Declemation will be air on February 22nd.
Spartacus seems haunted by his own demons while Laeta despite the fact of what she has been facing trying to stand with strong knees. She might be the new source of Spartacus strength in the near future just by seeing the passion that lays in their eyes but while it hasn't happening yet, Tiberius has to paid the price of his wrong doing on the previous episode. His father will show no mercy upon bestowing what he thinks his sons deserve.
If rebel's think they were the only clever once, well, Roman's are getting their boots on to join the ride. Marcus Licinius Crassus ordered his armies to give-up their fighting suits instead switch to dresses similar to what rebels are wearing. It is not because they were out of resources but actually it was all part of the "it is payback time" plan. His men will blend in and when they penetrated inside Spartacus lair that is where they will show what they were really made off. I just don't know if Spartacus will see them coming but knowing Marcus, there will be blood of river in this forthcoming episode.
Don’t just be excited too much, just check-out the trailer below and enjoy!